Pin Prick Portrait Development 3: Monoprint Composition

Black and white printed copy of a cropped version of a monoprint composition

Pin pricks in cartridge paper, experimenting with different mark marking effects

Complete - reverse

Complete - front

I think the figures where the mark making has picked out the tonal values (left) is the most successful part of this composition.  I also think the overlapping of the central and left hand figures has successfully given a sense of depth to the composition.  The right hand figure is too bland.


Pin pricks in original print out

Using sunlight to highlight pin pricks - cartridge paper

Using sunlight to highlight pin pricks - print out copy

Projected image

I think if there was an opportunity to present work at a real world exhibition rather than the proposed online version I would make further use of projection and / or light boxes to highlight the effect of the light passing through the holes.
