Pin Prick Portrait Development 4: Collage

Pin pricks in cartridge paper - front

Cut out figure, front view; pin pricks used to highlight tonal values

Second cut out figure added, one seen from front and one from reverse

As I had found in a previous experiment, creating cut out figures and adding pin prick detail created layers of highlights and shadows which could be enhanced by only partially adhering the individual pieces and by using directional lighting.

Experimenting with collage compositions (above and below)

I think this has been a successful experiment and could be pushed further using more complex figures (I used fairly simplified versions here) and perhaps by creating a detailed pin prick background with other layers over the top.

Partially complete, front view

Overlaid with drawing on tracing paper

Experimenting with pin pricks made from both front and reverse
Experimenting with cartridge paper and photograph composition

For this experiment I used different papers (cartridge paper and thin printer paper) together with different directions of mark making, but I think this has been less successful.  I think thicker papers create greater intensity of variation between the substrate and the effect of the light passing through it.  I think the photograph with pin prick elements is interesting and I will make a further experiment using proper photo quality paper (glossy?) to see how it affects the image.

Testing different compositions
